CiF Watch prompts correction to Times of London Palestinian 'bus ban' claim

Yesterday, Oct. 29th, we posted about an article by Gregg Carlstrom in the Times of London which alleged that new Israeli Defense Ministry regulations would ban Palestinians from riding Israeli buses in the West Bank – a policy, it was suggested, reeked of ‘apartheid’.
We demonstrated that this claim was simply false.  
While the new regulations, if implemented, would require Palestinian laborers entering Israel through the Eyal checkpoint to head home at night through the same checkpoint from which they entered, thus resulting in a serious reduction in the number of Palestinians returning on Israeli bus lines, there’s nothing in the new rules even suggesting that Palestinians would no longer be allowed to ride Israeli lines.

Shortly after our post, we contacted editors at Times of London to complain about the false characterization of the new regulations, and today they issued the following correction in the online and print editions.
Though the wording it still less than clear regarding the impact of the new regulations, we commend Times of London editors for the correction insofar as it informs readers that there is clearly no ban on Palestinians using Israeli buses.

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