BBC continues to under-report non-fatal terror attacks in Israel

On the afternoon of December 3rd a terror attack took place at a supermarket in Mishor Adumim.

“The 16-year old Palestinian walked passed the security guard who stood by the sliding-glass door entrance checking customers around 4:15 p.m. and used a knife to attack two men standing near the front aisles of the store, moderately wounding them.”

The BBC News website did not report on that incident.BBC News logo

Two days before that, another stabbing attack took place at Gush Etzion Junction.

“An Israeli civilian was lightly injured after being stabbed with a knife by a Palestinian woman near the Gush Etzion junction.

Security forces at the military post opened fire at the attacker, shooting and injuring her. The attacker has been taken to the Hadassah University Medical Center in Ein Kerem for medical treatment.”

That incident was also not reported by the BBC.

On December 4th a suspect was indicted in connection with an attack which occurred in Taibe on November 9th.

“The suspect, Muhammed Haj Yihyeh, is accused of being part of a group of rioters who stopped a Jewish motorist on the night of November 9 as he was driving his car northbound on Route 444 from Kochav Yair. The motorist, who tried to do a U-turn in order to avoid burning tires in the road, was approached by rioters, who addressed him in Arabic, police said. Since he could not understand them, the crowd began shouting “Jew! Jew!” hurling rocks at him and his vehicle.

Police said that the rocks thrown by the rioters shattered the car’s front and back windshield and that Haj Yihyeh took a package of fireworks and lit them, before throwing them inside the car while the motorist was still in the vehicle.”

Neither the original attack nor the indictment were reported by the BBC. Also on December 4th, a knife attack was averted at the Qalandiya checkpoint.

On November 20th the Israeli security services announced that the suspect arrested after three soldiers were run over on Route 60 on November 5th had admitted that the incident was a terror attack. The BBC briefly reported that incident at the time, but audiences have not been since informed that it was indeed a terror attack.

Over the past few weeks the BBC has devoted considerable coverage to several fatal terror attacks (whilst consistently failing to name them as such) which have taken place in Israel. However, non-fatal attacks such as the ones above and numerous others have not been reported. In order to meet its remit of enhancing audiences’ awareness and understanding of international issues, the BBC must obviously tell the entire story and not just its most headline-grabbing parts. Whilst the number of fatal terror attacks has sadly risen in the past few weeks, they continue to be fewer than non-fatal ones which, despite being no less important, remain absent from the BBC’s framing of the story.

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BBC continues to ignore non-fatal terror attacks


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