Channel 4 drama about UKIP illustrates far-right protest by showing Israeli flag

A Channel 4 drama about the UK Independence Party (UKIP, the first 100 days) is essentially a “what if” scenario which imagines what might happen if Nigel Farage’s right-wing party comes to power following the May 7th British elections.
Though UKIP’s main objective is to encourage the UK to withdrawal from the EU, it is also associated with racism and homophobia, which makes Channel 4’s decision to use one particular flag in the following context that much more disturbing.
Here’s a still shot from a scene in the program evidently depicting an extreme-right protest.
According to reports about the show, the Israeli flag is the only one shown in this sequence.
Of course, real-life extreme right thugs in the UK, like the ones depicted in the Channel 4 program, invariably are also virulently antisemitic, and the likelihood that such protesters would also champion Jewish causes are naturally quite low.  (Indeed, British Jews have consistently rejected putative overtures of support from far-right nationalist groups.)
The fact that the flag representing the sole progressive democracy in the Middle East can morph into an icon of racism and political extremism would only come as a surprise to those unfamiliar with the consistent assault on Israel’s legitimacy within large segments of the UK media.  

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