Channel 4 News makes wildly inaccurate claim about West Bank

A Channel 4 News report (“Mike Pompeo becomes first top US diplomat to visit settlement in Israeli-occupied West Bank”, Nov. 19) by Washington correspondent Siobhan Kennedy included the following claims:

As we pointed out in tweets to the journalist and Channel 4 News’ chief editor, this includes two wildly inaccurate claims.  First, though settlements built in the West Bank after the Six Day War are viewed as illegal by most countries, nobody has alleged that Israel’s initial capture of these territories during their defensive war in 1967 was itself “illegal”.

Further, it’s of course erroneous to claim that Israel seized the land from “the Palestinians”, as Jordan was in control of the territory at the time.

Since we didn’t receive a reply from Channel 4 News, we filed a complaint today with Ofcom – the UK’s communications regulator for TV broadcasts – under the ‘Due impartiality and due accuracy’ clause of the broadcasting code.

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  1. says: Neil C

    Occupation from whom?, oh yes those pesky Jordanians who invaded Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem in 1948 killed or threw out all the Jews, destroyed 43 synagogues and renamed it the ‘West Bank’ to obliterate it’s origins.

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