Guardian editor who supports Hamas terror becomes Corbyn’s communications chief

Guardian associate editor Seumas Milne has been appointed director of communications for Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Telegraph reported earlier tonight.

Milne, Corbyn and the Labour Party subsequently confirmed the news.

In addition to having defended terrorists who killed British soldiers, Milne twice penned columns explicitly supporting Hamas’s “right” to launch terror attacks against Israel, while rejecting Israel’s right to defend itself.

Here’s the relevant passage from his Guardian column during the 2014 summer war between Israel and Hamas.

So the Palestinians of Gaza are an occupied people, like those in the West Bank, who have the right to resist, by force if they choose – though not deliberately to target civilians. But Israel does not have a right of self-defence over territories it illegally occupies – it has an obligation to withdraw.

At a London rally that same summer, he also accused Israel of “industrial scale killing”.


Here’s Milne touching on similar themes while speaking in Nov. 2012, during the last war in Gaza, at an anti-Israel rally sponsored by Stop The War Coalition


Milne also penned a widely criticized op-ed, two days after the terrorist assault on 9/11 which killed nearly 3000 people, blaming the attacks on US policy, including the country’s support for Israel.

Prior to joining the Guardian, Milne worked for the pro-Stalinist Communist Party publication, Straight Left.

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