Top BBC Watch posts of 2015

Over the past twelve months BBC Watch has welcomed nearly a quarter of a million visits to the site and this is an ideal opportunity to thank you – our readers – for your interest and support throughout the past year.

We would also like to thank all those who have taken the trouble to contact us with feedback, updates on your complaints to the BBC and tips concerning items of BBC content. Your contributions are invaluable – please carry on in the coming year.

The most read article on BBC Watch in 2015 was ‘BBC’s Tim Willcox in Paris: a new low and follow-up to that story also featured among the top ten most viewed posts.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the second most visited page on our website in 2015 was our guide on How to Complain to the BBC.Pigua Lions Gate art vers 1

The third most read post of 2015 related to the miserable headline used by the BBC in its report on the terror attack at Lions Gate in Jerusalem in October – ‘BBC News flunks headline of report on Jerusalem terror attack‘ – and additional posts concerning BBC reporting on terrorism against Israelis were also among the most viewed articles together with our monthly statistical round-up of BBC reporting on terror and a post titled ‘BBC News tells audiences Israeli fears of terror attacks are ‘paranoia’‘ which discusses an October 2015 article by Kevin Connolly.

Our most viewed posts of 2015 also included ‘BBC’s Doucet explains why Yemen gets less coverage than Gaza‘ and ‘More soft focus BBC presentation of Hizballah‘.

Wishing all our readers a happy, healthy and peaceful 2016. 

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