BBC Trending promotes terror supporting Gaza propagandist

On January 13th BBC Trending produced an article titled “Gaza medics back striking English junior doctors” which appeared on the BBC News website – including in the Middle East page’s ‘features’ section.Trending jr doctors

“When junior doctors in England went on strike, photographs of support spread on social media from celebrities, members of the public, their pets – and doctors from Gaza. […]

….images of three young men in white coats in a Middle Eastern hospital stood out.

They were posted on Twitter by Dr Mohammed Ziara, who told BBC Trending he was a recently graduated doctor from Gaza, who had completed his studies six months ago. […]

The 24-year-old says he now works for the Palestinian Ministry of Health as an internship junior doctor in Shifa Hospital, the main hospital in Gaza.”

Shifa Hospital is of course not just “the main hospital in Gaza”; like other medical institutions in the Gaza Strip it is exploited by Hamas for non-medical purposes which include acting as a hide-out for Hamas’ top brass during conflicts.  As has been documented here on numerous occasions in the past, medical staff at Shifa and other Gaza hospitals are not always as objective as may be presumed.

So who exactly is the “recently graduated doctor from Gaza” that BBC Trending found fit to promote? David Collier took a closer look at his social media activities.

“In fact, you cannot put this man’s name into Google without realising there is a little more to it than meets the eye. And then you ask yourself, ‘don’t BBC reporters do this as part of  basic guidelines’? Isn’t it obvious?

So you begin to look at other Tweets, almost all in English, and almost all clearly propaganda. And his name then appears quite frequently in news reports throughout 2015 on RT, Jewish News, in blogs, and other various outlets.”

Read the rest of that very revealing post here


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