BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – March 2016

The Israel Security Agency’s report on terror attacks (Hebrew) during March 2016 shows that throughout the month a total of 123 incidents took place: 81 in Judea & Samaria, 36 in Jerusalem, two inside the ‘green line’ and four incidents originating from the Gaza Strip.

The agency recorded 92 attacks with petrol bombs, six shooting attacks, 9 attacks using explosive devices, two vehicular attacks, one assault and six stabbing attacks. In addition, five missiles were fired from the Gaza Strip in two separate incidents.

One foreign national (American student Taylor Force) was murdered during March and 26 people (13 civilians and 13 members of the security forces) were wounded in terror attacks.Pigua Yafo 8 3 vers 3

The fatal attack in Yaffo on March 8th (in which nine additional victims were wounded) was reported in a BBC News website article which also included coverage of attacks in Petah Tikva and Jerusalem that took place on the same day.

A shooting attack in Jerusalem, an attempted stabbing near Salafit and an incident at Kedumim – all of which took place on March 9th – were reported in an article on another topic. A stabbing attack in Hebron on March 24th was reported in an article about a related investigation into subsequent events.  

Among the incidents which did not receive any coverage from BBC News were an attack in Eli on March 2nd, a stabbing attack in Ouja on March 3rd, a vehicular attack at Gush Etzion junction on March 4th, an attack with an IED near Hebron, a stabbing attack in Jerusalem and a shooting attack on Route 443 on March 11th, two vehicular attacks (one by a former member of Hamas) near Kiryat Arba on March 14th, a stabbing attack at a bus stop near Ariel on March 17th and  a stabbing attack in Hebron on March 19th.

Neither of the two incidents of missile fire from the Gaza Strip (on March 11th and March 15th) received any coverage on the BBC News website. The Israeli response to the earlier incident did however receive BBC coverage in Arabic. The BBC’s record of reporting missile attacks on Israeli civilians by terrorists in the Gaza Strip in the English language since the beginning of 2016 continues to stand at 0%. 

In conclusion, the BBC News website reported seven of the 123 terror attacks which took place during March 2016 – i.e. 5.69% – and 100% of the fatalities. Since the beginning of the year, BBC coverage of the terror attacks which actually took place stands at 5.82%.

table March

Related Articles:

BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – February 2016

BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – January 2016

BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – December 2015 and Q4 summary

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