The Guardian, BDS and an Israeli named Medad

Those who founded this blog were banned from commenting in the talkback section precisely for persistently and willfully pointing out the type of gross misrepresentations found in the Guardian op-ed in question.

A guest post by AKUS:

Dear Yisrael Medad:

A perfectly reasonable comment you made to the op-ed by Moustafa Bayoumi in The Guardian, entitled: Don’t worry! Clinton and Trump are going to fix Israel/Palestine  was deleted by moderators. By way of explanation, you received the following message, which apparently bewildered you:

“Warning: Those who seriously, persistently or wilfully ignore the community standards, participation guidelines or terms and conditions will have their posting privileges for all the Guardian community areas withdrawn.”

Those who founded this blog were banned precisely for persistently and willfully pointing out the type of gross misrepresentations that you pointed out, Yisrael.

You disrupted the smooth flow of forked-tongue historical and factual lies promoted by Moustafa Bayoumi. In fact, the moderators selected by the Guardian either know you were completely correct and have attempted to hide the facts he has so distorted, or have themselves been so indoctrinated by the likes of Moustafa Bayoumi and reading the Guardian that they do not even realize that you were legitimately and correctly questioning his version of the history of the region.

For example, Bayoumi’s ending, “the numbing half-century of occupation, and the nearly 70 years of Palestinian dispossession” is a masterpiece of deception.

2016 – 1947 = 69 (OK – round it up to 70 years for the sake of simplicity)

But 2016 – 1967 – 49 (OK round it up to 50 years for the sake of simplicity)

Mysteriously, however, 20 years of occupation of the WB by Jordan have disappeared.

No longer content with trying to rewrite Israel’s history, Bayoumi has rewritten Jordanian history. Of course, he has also written the occupation of Gaza by the Egyptians out of history

A Jordanian politician, Abed Almaala, has recognized the danger posed by the likes of Bayoumi.

The op-ed I cite below was about the danger to Arabs of BDS and anti-Israeli inflammatory actions and words. In the following, replace “BDS” with “Bayoumi narrative”, and consider this extract from Abed Almaala’s op-ed which destroys the counter-factual view promoted by Bayoumi and the Guardian.

I say, BDS Bayoumi narrative: Shame on you.

Shame on you for attacking the only country that offers jobs to my Palestinian brothers.

Shame on you for attacking the country that provides free health care for Palestinian ‎cancer patients.

Shame on you for selling your souls to Arab regimes.‎

As a Muslim, I know that since my Prophet Muhammad was welcomed in Medina ‎by the Arabs and the Jews, he traded with and even signed ‎a mutual defense agreement with the Jews.

And as a Jordanian and a member of Jordan’s opposition, it is time we stopped ‎talking about peace and began living peace through economic prosperity; this is ‎our promise and our mission.‎

BDS The Bayoumi narrative is not only hateful and shameful, but also strengthens Arab dictators who hypocritically criticize Israel for alleged human rights violations when they, themselves, are the world’s top ‎human rights violators. ‎

A man is known by the company he keeps; if the biggest supporters of BDS the Bayoumi narrative are Arab and Muslim dictators, ‎what does this say about BDS?‎

We Arabs have boycotted Israel for 70 years. Where has it gotten us? We are ‎light-years behind Israel in technology and the economy. We will stop this in ‎Jordan and begin learning from our Israel friends.‎

This dream is not new. It was the dream of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who ‎saw economic prosperity as the road to peace. That is why I was honored to organize a memorial event for him in the U.S. Congress when he ‎was killed, more than 20 years ago.

Let us make his memory live through action. Let us turn the lost hopes into a ‎beautiful reality, and disappointment into happiness. And let us all put BDS the Bayoumi narrative ‎where it belongs, in the dustbin of history.‎

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