Six Day War Anniversary resources

A collection of reading and viewing relating to the Six Day War.

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War we have gathered together some useful reading/viewing on the topic which will also be posted in our ‘Library’ section on the menu bar above for future reference.

1) CAMERA’s dedicated website ‘The Six-Day War: Causes and Consequences’ can be found here.

2) A briefing produced by BICOM – ‘Causes and consequences of the Six-Day War (1967)’ can be accessed here.

3) Starting on May 17th, the Jerusalem Post and several other organisations will be releasing a series of videos: sign up for alerts here.

4) The Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Chronicle and the JLC have also produced a social media project titled ‘The Six Day War: 50 Years On’.

“The initiative will play out on Facebook and Twitter from mid-May to mid-June.

The daily posts on both social media outlets cover the breaking news for each day, illustrated by contemporary newsreels, photographs and reports from 1967. The project focuses on how the fast-moving crisis in the Middle East affected British Jews.”

Details here.

Corrections that have been made in the past to BBC content concerning the Six Day War include:

Syrian tank at Ein Tawfik, overlooking Tel Katzir and the Sea of Galilee

BBC Trust ESC upholds appeal on Dan Snow’s Syria documentary

The Times reports: BBC Trust upholds 2011 complaint against ‘Today’ programme

BBC Watch posts discussing BBC content relating to the Six Day War:

BBC online description of Six Day War: not accurate, not impartial, barely informative

Article ruled not impartial by ESC five years ago remains on BBC website

BBC: Nasser ‘asked’ UN peacekeepers to leave Sinai in 1967

Yom Yerushalayim

What does the BBC News website tell audiences about the Khartoum Resolutions?

Reviewing original BBC reporting on the Six Day War

Reviewing a BBC News Online Six Day War backgrounder

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