Guardian, Independent and Telegraph ignore Hamas official’s call for genocide

Thus far, most British media outlets - including the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph and BBC - have ignored Hammad's call for genocide, a speech, our sister site BBC Watch observed, that's at odds with the media narrative of the Great March of Return, which has downplayed such extreme antisemitic incitement, whilst characterising the violent riots as mere "protests".

Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad said, in a July 12, 2019 speech at a March of Return rally that aired on Al-Aqsa TV, that Palestinians abroad should “attack every Jew on planet Earth and slaughter and kill them.”

Thus far, most British media outlets – including the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph and BBC – have ignored Hammad’s call for genocide, a speech, our sister site BBC Watch observed, that’s at odds with the media narrative of the Great March of Return, which downplays such extreme antisemitic incitement, whilst characterising violent riots as mere “protests”.

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