Indy publishes op-ed by Palestinian with terror ties

The Independent published an op-ed (“As Netanyahu visits the UK, we call for Israel to be held accountable”, March 25) by Shawan Jabarin, head of Al Haq, a Palestinian with proven ties to the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – recognised as a terror group by the US, EU and other democratic countries.

Here’s some more information on the terror record of the group:

  • PFLP carried out scores of deadly attacks on Israeli civilians over the years – including suicide bombings and the murder of an Israeli minister in 2001.
  • Amjad Awad and Hakim Awad, the terrorists responsible for the 2011 attack in Itamar, in which Ehud and Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children – the youngest being three months old – were savagely murdered in their home, were affiliated with PFLP.
  • PFLP terrorists also carried out the brutal 2014 massacre of worshipers in a Har Nof, Jerusalem synagogue, which killed six.
  • PFLP also claimed responsibility for a fatal 2019 West Bank bombing which killed 17 year-old Israeli, Rina Shnerb.  In fact, the PFLP terrorists accused of carrying out that attack, Samer Arbid and Abdul Razeq Farraj, worked for one of the proscribed NGOs, Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC).
  • PFLP was one of the Gaza terror groups firing rockets into Israel during the Gaza conflict in May 2021.

Jabarin (whose NGO, Al Haq, is also reportedly affiliated with the PFLP) was convicted in 1985 for recruiting and arranging training for PFLP members and, in 2008, was referred to by Israel’s Supreme Court as a “senior PFLP activist”.

Though the lies in his Indy op-ed are par for the course, the fact that readers likely don’t have a clue about his terrorist background – that he’s affiliated with an organisation that intentionally murders Jewish civilians – means that they’ll take seriously his complaints about Israel’s putative violation of Palestinian human rights rights.  Jabarin, like so many other faux human rights activist, doesn’t give a damn about human rights, but cynically employs the rhetoric of that noble value to erode support for a state that’s by far the most progressive state in the Middle East.

It’s a trick he and so many other Palestinians affiliated with radical NGOs play on the West that editors at British media outlets are all too happy to be part of.

We could critically scrutinise the article like we usually do, but to do so would be to grant the moral conman respect he most certainly doesn’t deserve.

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