CAMERA Arabic prompts two BBC Arabic corrections

(All translations, emphases and in-bracket remarks are by CAMERA Arabic)

CAMERA Arabic recently prompted the BBC to correct factual errors which appeared in two BBC Arabic items purporting to provide context to the IDF counter-terrorism operation in Jenin earlier this month.

In a July 3rd item about the Jenin refugee camp, BBC Arabic stated:

“Like the rest of the Palestinian territories, the [Jenin refugee] camp has witnessed many armed conflicts during the two Palestinian Intifadas, the first in 1987 and the second in 2002.

Perhaps the most outstanding event which the camp has witnessed is the Israeli forces’ siege on it in April 2002”

In fact, the second Intifada broke out in September 2000, over a year and a half before the IDF went into Jenin. CAMERA Arabic prompted the BBC to correct that date the day after the item’s publication (before/after).

Secondly, in a July 6th backgrounder about the conflict from a broader perspective, BBC Arabic wrote:

“The United States is considered one of a very small number of countries which acknowledged Israel’s claim of entire Jerusalem as its capital.” 

However, as BBC itself acknowledged in 2018, the American administration has not recognised Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel but rather considers the municipal borders of Jerusalem – as well as its permanent status – a matter dependent on the results of future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Following recent communication from CAMERA Arabic, the BBC corrected that point as well and it now reads (before/after):

“The United States is considered one of a very small number of countries which announced their acknowledgement of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    The BBC, with its infiltrated arabist workforce, is hell-bent on destroying Israel by every means at its disposal – including false reporting, omissions, lies and “errors” at every minute opportunity.

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