Guardian whitewashes pro-terror demo in Washington

The Guardian completely whitewashed an extremist pro-terror protest near the White House on Saturday.  Here are a few excerpts from the article, (“Thousands gather at White House for pro-Palestinian protest”, June 8), written by Gloria Oladipo, a breaking news editor at the outlet:

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the White House on Saturday to protes tJoe Biden’s response to Israel’s ongoing military strikes on Gaza.

Saturday’s demonstration featured a coalition of groups including Code Pink and the Council on American Islamic Relation, Reuters reported.

[One] sign simply read: “Free Palestine.”

Demonstrators shouted slogans that condemned the president’s response, including: “Biden, Biden, you’re a sellout. Pack your bags and get the hell out!”

CAIR, the article neglected to note, is an antisemitic group whose leader endorsed the Hamas massacre.

The Guardian article would also leave readers with the false impression that chants and banners at the demo were benign and moderate, as it failed report that some signs called for jihad and martyrdom, footage on social media showed, while other activists chanted, “death to Israel”, “Al Qassam, make us proud, kill another soldier now!” and “Hezbollah, Hezbollah, kill another Zionist now!”.

Footage also showed protestors holding up bloody masks of President Joe Biden and chanting, “Biden, Biden, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today?”, as well as, “We don’t want no Jewish state.”

According to NBC News, some protesters also shouted, “We don’t want no two state, we’re taking back ’48,”, while others proclaimed “Say it oud, say it clear, we don’t want no Zionists here.”  A few signs read “f— Israel, stand with Hamas“, while some protesters had green headbands which appeared to be similar to those worn by Hamas members.

Additionally, footage shows some protesters hurling bottles at Parks Police Officer standing guard over a Washington DC statue that had been vandalized, while shouting ‘f-you, fascist’ at him.

The Guardian’s failure to report on the extremism on display at the US capital echoes their coverage of such demos in London, where antisemitic and pro-terror chants and speeches are almost always erased.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    Surely it is time now for the UK police to bring charges against The Grauniad for supporting a proscribed terrorist organisation and inciting racism and violence ?
    How much more evidence do they need – or are they secretly endorsing its biased reporting ?

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