
Gordon's Jinn

I have long suspected that Neve Gordon lives in some sort of parallel universe where as if by magic,...

The Walled Guardian

This is a guest post by AKUS There may be some reading this who remember the endless debates at the ...

New Feature: Post-splitting

CiF Watch regulars will notice that we have added a new feature to the site which splits a post into...

How the Left turned on Israel

This is a cross post of a fascinating article by Professor Colin Shindler that was recently publishe...

Hook, Line and Sinker

The British elections scheduled for spring 2010 are going to be exceptionally interesting. After 12 ...

Coincidence or Plagiarism?

This is a guest post by AKUS There are a couple of articles running on “Comment is Free” and...

Get Carter

This is a guest post by Margie in Tel Aviv Jimmy Carter seems to be defined more by what is lacking ...