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Shalom Daphna

I have just read your latest offering in the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’. Despite (or because of) my English upbringing, one of the things…

Preached to Death

To paraphrase Sydney Smith, Israel is being ‘preached to death by wild curates’ from the Guardian’s stable of writers and editors. The editorial of…

The lies are pouring in

This is a guest post by AKUS As the Guardian keeps up it deluge of articles about the capture of the Marmora, unprecedented and…

Back with a vengeance

Chris McGreal is back on the Guardian’s pages already and with a vengeance, in more ways than one. In his May 31st article he…

Komment Macht Frei

What happens when the Guardian has a What do you want to talk about thread? The simple answer: more Israel-obsession. This time though with…

The McGreal Wordle

I thought I would see what kind of wordle (word cloud) would be created based on the contents of the Guardian articles dealing with…