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UKMW prompts Times of London correction to claim E. Jerusalem Palestinians have ‘no political rights’.

An article in the Sunday Times on US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital included the false claim that east Jerusalem Palestinians, who are permanent residents but not citizens, have “no political rights”. After communication with UKMW, editors agreed to amend the passage to reflect the fact that east Jerusalem Palestinians have the right to vote in local elections and to run for city council.

As US recognises Jerusalem as capital, UKMW prompts correction to FT claim Tel Aviv is capital

K Media Watch and CAMERA have prompted countless corrections on the same inaccuracy – the claim that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital. However, it’s particularly interesting that on Thursday, the day in which Donald Trump’s impending decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was the big story, the Financial Times joined the list of media outlets who’ve made some version of this error.

UKMW prompts correction to Times of London claim Sharon visited “al-Aqsa Mosque”

As we explained in our complaint to Times editors, the language used by their reporter erroneously suggests that then opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited a uniquely ‘Muslim’ holy site, when in fact his 34 minute tour was to the Temple Mount (Judaism’s holiest site).  Though al-Aqsa Mosque is located within the larger Temple Mount compound, Sharon did not visit the mosque itself.

UKMW prompts Guardian correction on claim Israel ‘banned’ Arab parties

A Guardian editorial claimed that Israel has ‘banned’ Arab political parties. In fact, as we noted in a complaint to editors, though there was, in 2009, a decision by the Israel Central Elections Committee to bar two Israeli Arab parties due to allegations they supported terrorism, the Israeli Supreme Court overturned the ‘ban’ only two weeks later, before it could go into effect.  The Guardian upheld our complaint and issued a correction.