Mya Guarnieri
March 19, 2012
Photos the Guardian won’t publish: Israeli communities under siege from Gaza rocket fire
March 15, 2012
The anti-Zionist malice of ‘Comment is Free’ contributor Mya Guarnieri
December 14, 2011
Former ‘Comment is Free’ contributor Mya Guarnieri’s new radical gig.
July 31, 2011
Tel Aviv homeless upset at (Mya Guarnieri-style) far left hypocrisy
May 1, 2011
Guardian contributor Mya Guarnieri and the banality of anti-Zionism
March 26, 2011
How low will she go? Guardian contributor Mya Guarnieri uses Nazi analogy in calling for the end of Israel
February 16, 2011
The Guardian’s Mya Guarnieri plays Nazi card in phrophesizing the “the death of Israeli democracy”
February 2, 2011
The Guardian’s Mya Guarnieri shows her Israeli pride! (While passionately advocating for the end of the Jewish state)
January 21, 2011