
June 15, 2020
BBC portrayal of a Paris anti-racism protest excludes antisemitism

August 14, 2019
Catching up with a story the BBC reported in 2015

September 3, 2017
Cherry picking terror and ‘explaining’ radicalisation at the BBC

January 31, 2017
When the BBC News website reported an enduring conflict without a narrative

January 25, 2017
BBC WS’s ‘Newshour’ continues the promotion of a myth

January 23, 2017
BBC WS listeners hear anti-terrorist fence falsehood and more

January 20, 2017
BBC’s Yolande Knell touts the ‘1967 borders’ illusion on Radio 4

January 18, 2017
Reviewing BBC News website portrayal of the Paris conference

December 4, 2016