A picture speaks a thousand words…but about what?

Yesterday’s Guardian reported that the Israeli embassy in Spain had been receiving some rather disturbing postcards from nine-year old school children.

“Some had very disturbing messages,” an embassy spokesman said. “They asked things such as: ‘Why do you kill children?’ or said that ‘money is not everything’ and that if someone should leave, it should be the Israelis ‘because it is not your land’.

Actually, the antisemitic sentiments expressed in the postcards were much more explicit than the Guardian wished to make out as reported by Ha’aretz:

The postcards bore statements including “Jews kill for money,” “Leave the country to the Palestinians” and “Go somewhere where they will accept you.”

The Guardian went on to report that Joan Malonda, the head teacher of El Castell primary school in Almoines, confirmed that the hand-drawn cards had come from his pupils.
So with the backdrop of this news report in mind, tell us which of the following photographs best represents the report?





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Click here to see which photograph the Guardian thought was most appropriate.
Norm and ModernityBlog have more on this (h/t Solomania).

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