Former editor of Comment is Free reveals her Israel obsession in Guardian podcast


Artists rendering of Georgina Henry as a child

In a previous CW post, Confronting the Guardian Ideology, the Guardian’s obsession with Israel was identified in their recent editorial about the crisis in Libya – and similar upheavals throughout the Middle East – in this passage:

“the Libyan leader may still be considered too valuable to lose, as US influence in the region decreases. Nowhere is that truer than in the cockpit of the crisis, Palestine.

While claims that Arab rebellions against their despotic leaders are invariably related to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is evidence of an appalling myopia, and a simply incoherent causality, its important to note that such an obsession seems to run through much of the Guardian hierarchy.

Indeed, it came as little surprise that Georgina Henry, former editor of CiF, during an interview with Jonathan Freedland on a Guardian Podcast, defended CiF from criticism that the site was obsessed with Israel – and subsequent criticism that the current political upheavals in the region prove that this obsession with Israel’s role in the region was misplaced – by saying:

I robustly [still] believe that the fault line running through much of the politics of the region remains that dispute over land in Israel and Palestine.

It is simply inconceivable how anyone observing the political eruptions in the region today –  attempts by citizens in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli and elsewhere to throw off the yoke of despotism – can still insist on viewing Israel as the common denominator and prime mover of the conflict.

The former CiF Editor again demonstrates just how rigid, and impervious to new information – the Guardian Left truly is.

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