What the Guardian won’t report: Hamas website celebrates death of Israeli teen, Daniel Viflic

The website of Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, posted an article on the recent death of Israeli teen Daniel Viflic, who died as the result of brain injuries sustained after Hamas terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at a school bus he was on.

Here’s an exact translation of the story, from Arabic into English (with clarifications in parenthesis), provided by a friend of CiF Watch who is a professional translator: 

With pictures – Death of a Zionist soldier in the “Kfar Sa’ad” Operation (carried out) by Al-Qassam

 April 18, 2011

Al-Qassam exclusive

On the evening of Sunday, 17 April, one of the wounded in the Kfar Sa’ad convoy died, after a Zionist convoy was targeted by the Al-Qassam Brigades as it was passing on a military road connecting military positions weeks ago.

The Zionist “Ha’aretz” newspaper mentioned that the Zionist killed (i.e. dead) met his death (sic!) weeks ago east of the city of Gaza, after the convoy which was transporting him was targeted by the Al-Qassam Brigades.

The newspaper mentioned that the killed (i.e. dead) was a Zionist conscript who was treated in intensive care in the Soroka hospital in the occupied city of B’ir Al-Sab’ (Beer-Sheba) after a major deterioration in his medical condition.

(The newspaper) added that the dead “Daniel Fiflich” (sic, there is no “v” in Arabic) was buried in the cemetery of the village of Noham (sic) last night. He died of the serious wounds which he received ten days ago when Al-Qassam (Brigades) targeted a Zionist convoy in the occupied Western Naqb (Negev).

Al-Qassam carried out the operation

The Brigades of the shahid ‘Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam announced Thursday (April 7) evening that they targeted a Zionist convoy near the Kfar Sa’ad mughtasaba (this is an Arabic term for Israeli settlements, both inside and outside the Green Line. It comes from the word “rape”, and is meant to say that the place is being raped, or taken from its original inhabitants by force), east of Gaza.

The (Al-Qassam) Brigades announced in a military communiqué that its mujahids (jihad fighters) targeted a convoy of the occupation exactly at 3:15 pm, near the Zionist Kfar Sa’ad mughtasaba (see above), east of Gaza. This (targeting) led to it (i.e. the convoy) being hit directly. The occupation admitted that two of the Zionists were wounded at the time of the targeting (I know it sounds idiotic, but this is how it translates into English), one of them serious (wounds), and he died last night.

The Brigades added that “we claim responsibility for this Jihad operation, and we stress that this is a primary response for the crimes of the occupation and that more responses are on the way Allah willing, and its Jihad-waging Brigades will remain the spearhead in waging resistance against the occupation, and that it will respond twice as much if it (the occupation) will dare to commit any new stupid acts.”

It (the Al-Qassam Brigades) pointed out that this heroic operation comes as a response to the ongoing and repetitious crimes of the occupation and its increasing taghawwuls (probably a typo, and he meant “tawaghghul”, which means “incursions”) against our people in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the (West) Bank and the (Gaza) Strip, the latest of which was the murdering of the Qassam leaders Isma’il and ‘Abdallah Labad and Muhammad Al-Daya.

The words above the first two pictures (Below): “Pictures of the killed (i.e. dead) Zionist”

The words above the rest of the pictures: “Pictures of the targeting of the Zionist convoy by Al-Qassam (Brigades)

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