Masked Palestinian gunmen shoot dead man from Nablus suspected of spying for Israel

From the Jerusalem Post:

Masked Palestinians shot dead Omar Helwan, 32, from a village near Nablus, who was suspected of spying for Israel, on Saturday, the second such killing in the territory this month, security sources said on Saturday.

I wonder how those, like Mya Guarnieri, who have accused Israel of descending into “religious fascism” due to the bigoted views expressed by a some of her citizens, and even of devolving into Nazism due to the criticism leveled at an Arab MK who participated in the terrorist sponsored flotilla in late May, would characterize a society in which such extrajudicial killings are carried out with impunity.    

I’m not truly wondering mind you, just noting what will almost certainly be the deafening silence by the Guardian regarding this violent, and quite, let’s say, illiberal, incident – an ominous event which should at the very least raise some legitimate concerns over the possible political orientation of this Palestinian state they wish so desperately to be born. 

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