Guardian article about Steven Spielberg produces high volume of hostility towards Jews in comment section


H/T Pretzelberg

A Guardian piece in their Culture section about the alleged firing of actress Megan Fox (who was staring in the film ‘Transformers’) by Executive Producer Steven Spielberg for calling the (Jewish) director of the film, Michael Bay, a Nazi (“Steven Spielberg demanded Megan Fox be fired from ‘Transformers’, says Bay“, June 20) produced, predictably, a disturbing amount of palpable hostility towards Jews in the comment section:

Here’s a sample: 

The alleged firing of an actress for calling her Jewish director a Hitler shows that, when it comes to The Holocaust, there is no freedom of speech (259 Recommends) 


Spielberg’s alleged firing of Fox makes the Jewish producer a little like Hitler (606 Recommends)


Comparing the Jewish director, Michael Bay, with the German film maker (Leni Riefenstahl) who produced Nazi propaganda for Hitler


Spielberg has cashed in on The Holocaust (311 Recommends)


Evident advice to Jews that they “get over” The Holocaust

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