This report in Ynet is beyond description.
“Settlers in Itamar were outraged Sunday morning after Palestinians from Awarta arrived in Itamar for their annual olive harvest in the settlement. According to the settlers, among the Palestinians who arrived in Itamar were the family members of brutally stabbed and murdered five members of the Fogel family six months ago.
The settlers claimed that the Palestinians shouted “We’ll Fogel you” and drew their fingers across their necks indicating slaughter. [emphasis mine]
Dozens of women and children from Itamar protested against the move, including Tamar Fogel who lost her parents and three siblings in the heinous terror attack. “

“After intervention from left-wing activists we were forced to allow the village residents to carry out their own harvest, but it is clear that with a little bit of thought and creativity we could have found a solution.” The settlers claim that this is an “absurd situation where the family of the killer harvests olives meters away from where he butchered an entire family.”
According to Itamar settlers, during last year’s harvest, Hakim Awad [one of the terrorists] entered the settlement and gathered information ahead of the massacre. “This is an abominable case of insensitivity,” they said, “In previous years yeshiva students harvested the olives for the Palestinians and transferred them to Awarta’s residents free of charge.
Chaim Fogel, father of the late Udi Fogel said in response that the incident was “an paralleled gall to bring this family to the harvest. It is gross insensitivity.”
Chaim Fogel’s words represent a profound understatement.
When you empathize more for the family of Palestinian terrorists who murdered Israeli civilians in cold blood than for the surviving children of the brutal attack, you cease to earn the mantle of “left-wing activist”.
You’re simply heartless, amoral, and unimaginably cruel.
But, as this story would be difficult for even Harriet Sherwood to weave into one of settler villainy, don’t expect to read about it in the Guardian.
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