Palestinian Guardian propaganda photo of the day: Soldier vs. Child

The photo which Guardian editors chose to illustrate a story by Harriet Sherwood on Israel’s decision to release millions of dollars in Palestinian tax revenue (Israel unfreezes Palestinian Authority tax millions, Nov. 30), two days after Sherwood’s piece on the effects of the tax freeze (Israel sanctions mean Palestinian Authority can not pay wages, Nov. 28), is so unrelated to the piece its amusing.

The caption informs us:

A Palestinian boy and an Israeli soldier at Qalandiya checkpoint outside Ramallah in the West Bank. Israel controls access and collects duty for the Palestinioan Territories. An RNPS image of the year 2011. Photograph: Mohamad Torokman/Reuters

It seems the Reuters stringer is quite adept at depicting Israeli soldiers targeting Palestinian innocence.

Here an Israeli soldier is seen aiming his weapon, shot at angle which directs the eye at the “target” of a Palestinian girl holding balloons. 

Here, an IDF soldier frightens a Palestinian child.

Search Google Images for a better view of  Torokman’s Palestinian and Israeli caricatures.

See future reports in the Guardian for more pro-Palestinian journalist activism.

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