Dispatch from Tel Aviv, during Gay Pride Week

Dialogue from Simpsons’ Episode, “Jaws Wired Shut”, Season 13

Gay Group: :chanting during gay pride parade: “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!”
Lisa Simpson: “You do this every year, we are used to it.”
Guy in Gay Group: “Spoil sport!”

Thousands are currently turning out for Tel Aviv’s annual Gay Pride Week (June 1 through 8), including thousands of foreign tourists, who are descending on the city considered among the most gay friendly in the world.

I took a media tour of the city today, and here a few of the photos I took along the way:

Adir Steiner, Deputy Service Manager and Coordinator of City Pride events (Tel Aviv), overlooking city’s gay beach
Brochure from Tel Aviv Gay Pride Week
A gay visitor from Italy (in Israel for Gay Pride Week) greets our group

Two gay men we met during our tour: Orthodox Tel Aviv Rabbi, Ron Josef, and an Arab Christian from Nazareth, Jamil Hadad. (In a gay club named Evita)

Rabbi Ron Josef is head of HOD, an organization for gay orthodox- hod@hod.org.il,

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