Christians attacked in Jerusalem. No Jews were involved. MSM ignores story. You do the math.

Our friends at CAMERA recently reported the following:

When an unknown individual spray painted the phrase “Jesus is a monkey” in Hebrew on the doors of a Trappist monastery in Latroun on Sept. 5, 2012, it made the papers all over the world.

The desecration, thought to be perpetrated by an Israeli Jew angry over the evacuation of Migron in the West Bank, was covered in the Jerusalem PostHaaretz, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and a number of other news outlets, throughout the world. It was covered in Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands, for example.

CNN and NBC News also covered the desecration.

The Guardian covered it by posting an AP story.

The CAMERA post continued:

The desecration was newsworthy, no doubt about it.

What people have not heard about is a much more violent attack on a Roman Catholic housing project in the neighborhood of Bethpage in Jerusalem that took place in August. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem provides the following details in a story written by Laurent Charnin:

CAMERA observed:

A close reading of the news article published by the Latin Patriarchate indicates the attack was an episode of Muslim-on-Christian violence.

Fortunately, the Israeli media provided more details:

“Police said they are investigating a massive brawl between Muslims and Christians on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem.  The battle, involving dozens of participants throwing stones and wielding iron bars, took place on Monday, August 20.  A number of people were injured, homes were damaged and cars vandalized in the rampage, which lasted about 90 minutes.

The brawl started when dozens of young Muslims stormed a housing complex built for young couples by Jerusalem’s Christian community on land owned by the Catholic Church and sold to them for nominal sums.”

According to witnesses the attackers first went after cars, causing considerable damage. They then started to climb onto the balconies of the homes and threw rocks into them.

“They woke me up; I’m looking at the window and suddenly see dozens of guys climbing in, jumping between the balconies, breaking things and screaming “allahu akhbar,” and “jihad,” said one resident, who declined to be identified. “It could have been a massacre.” [emphasis added]

CAMERA concluded, thus:

A Nexis search for the words “Bethpage” and “Patriarchate” in major world newspapers published after Aug. 19, 2012 yields no results, indicating that the world press ignored the story. A similar search for “Bethpage” and “attack” yields a total of 10 stories, all of which deal with local stories that have nothing to do with the attack described by the Patriarchate in Jerusalem.

A Nexis search for the word “Patriarchate” in major world newspapers published after Aug. 19, 2012 yields six results, do not have anything to do with the attacked described above.

Can you imagine what kind of coverage this would have received in the Guardian and elsewhere if it was a mob of Jews who had violently attacked a Christian (or Muslim) community in Jerusalem?

I guess the journalistic principle at play can be summed up (a bit irreverently) as “no Jews, no news”. 

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