No BBC reports on Israeli medical aid for wounded Syrians

Golan Heights

Readers will no doubt remember the BBC’s somewhat bizarre take on the subject of a group of seven wounded Syrians (one of whom remains hospitalized) treated in an Israeli hospital in February. Since then, Israel has provided medical help to several more Syrian citizens. 

On March 30th a seriously wounded man was treated by Israeli army medics at the border fence and then evacuated to hospital in Haifa. The previous week a group of wounded people arrived at the border fence where most were treated on the spot, but two had to be evacuated to hospitals in Israel due to the severity of their wounds. One man – suffering from a gunshot wound to the head – later died whilst in hospital. The week before that, two people with shrapnel injuries – from a larger group of wounded who reached the border – were evacuated to a hospital in Haifa whilst the rest were treated on site. 

The IDF has now set up a field hospital in the north of the Golan Heights in order to provide medical care for the increasing numbers of Syrians seeking Israeli help.

So far, the BBC has shown no interest in reporting this story. 

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