h/t KK
If, perchance, you decided to search for the weather forecast for London on the BBC Weather website you would also be offered the additional option of checking out the weather in the country in which that city is situated.
The same option exists for other cities, capitals or not. Here, for example is Athens:
And here is New York:
If you happen to be looking for the weather forecast for Tel Aviv, you will naturally also be offered the option “Israel”.
But if your search was for Israel’s capital city, well…that city is not located in any country at all according to the BBC.
However, it seems that the BBC does manage to be rather less precious when it comes to other cities surrounded by controversy. According to the BBC Weather website, Gibraltar is situated in Gibraltar:
Nicosia – a city divided by a ‘green line’ – is situated in Cyprus:
El Aaiun is listed as being located in Western Sahara:
And the capital of Tibet is situated in China.
Go figure…