UK Media Watch prompts revision to Times of London report on Orange ‘boycott’ claim

A bullet item at the end of a June 4th article at Times of London (The Times) by Gregg Carlstrom included a brief report on the row involving the French telecom company Orange:


However, as we noted in a post about the Guardian’s report on the same topic, the story changed dramatically since reports first surfaced. Since then, Orange’s CEO made it quite clear that the company is in fact NOT leaving Israel and that his comments – interpreted as support for BDS – were totally misunderstood.

Orange’s CEO then jumped down from his original statements even further by stressing that he “loves Israel” and is “radically opposed” to boycotts against Israel.

The French government also released a statement making it clear that the country is firmly opposed to anti-Israel boycotts.

Indeed, Israeli leaders were so emboldened by Orange’s about-face that Binyamin Netanyahu “ordered the Israeli embassy in Paris to reject Richard’s request to meet the Israeli ambassador there” in order to apologize for his remarks, demanding instead that he come to Israel to explain his position.

Richard accepted Netanyahu’s request.

We contacted Times of London editors, asking that the item be updated to at least briefly take into account the latest developments.

They agreed, and added the following addendum. 

bullet updateWe commend Times of London editors for responding positively to our concerns, and revising the passage accordingly.

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