Asghar Bukhari defends conspiracy theory by citing source popular with those who see ‘Zionist footprints’

Asghar Bukhari, a founding member and spokesperson for the "extremist" and "antisemitic" Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), recently claimed on Facebook that Zionists broke into his home to steal a shoe, in order to drive him crazy.

To those not following the #MossadStoleMyShoe saga, here’s a very quick review.

Asghar Bukhari, a founding member and spokesperson for the “extremist” Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), recently claimed on Facebook that Zionists broke into his home to steal one shoe, in order to drive him crazy – Mossad psychological warfare, or something like that.

zionistsBukhari – who, quite tellingly, has been a regular guest on the BBC and Sky News – subsequently recorded videos, defending his bizarre conspiracy theory, in which his warped worldview – widely mocked on Twitter and in the traditional media – becomes even clearer.

In his latest video, he cites a news site evidently popular amongst those inclined to see the ‘Zionist footprint’ on otherwise inexplicable political and personal phenomena. (Pay close attention at the 9 second mark of the clip.)


We of course don’t know which report Bukhari is referring to, but its quite telling that of all the sites he could have cited in an attempt to buttress his claim of Zionist subterfuge, he chose the Guardian

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