Independent asks extremist Ali Abunimah his views on #Trump’s extremist views

Abunimah, for those unaware, Abunimah is an Ivy League educated American 'activist' who rejects the right of the Jewish state to exist within any borders, defended Hamas's summary execution of 'collaborators', advances bizarre anti-Israel conspiracy theories, has expressed support for a new violent intifada, suggested that Zionism is similar to Nazism and once even evoked the antisemitic charge that Israel harvests organs of Palestinian children.

The Independent published a characteristically tendentious article on Donald Trump scheduled visit to Israel (Trump to visit controversial Jerusalem site, Israel PM Netanyahu, reports say, Massoud HayounDec. 11).  

(Note: Trump cancelled his trip the day after the article.)

Trump has been the focus of attention for his racist suggestion that all Muslims should be banned from entering the US.

Though the article includes misleading passages (such as the false claim that the latest round of violence in Israel began due to Israeli restrictions on Muslim visits to al-Aqsa, and misleading casualty figures), especially troubling is the decision by the reporter to seek comment on the row from Ali Abunimah.

Hayoun not only quotes Abunimah, but devotes several paragraphs to his views.

Palestinian rights advocates say that Israel is keen to promote conservative Republican candidates like Mr. Trump.

“Netanyahu wants to see a Republican and the more extreme the better from his perspective,” prominent Palestinian rights advocate Ali Abunimah told The Independent. Mr Abunimah said that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric is “mainstream” among Israelis and their leadership.

“It will be interesting to see if [Mr Trump] will attempt to consolidate his base by offering extreme anti-Palestinian rhetoric to his anti-muslim enticement in the united states,” Mr Abunimah added.

Mr Abunimah believes a trip to the controversial holy site is not out of the question.

“If they thought this could really mobilize support for him, maybe they would do it,” Mr Abunimah said. “For Israel, it’s a matter of what you can get away with.”

There is no support for Palestinians among US presidential candidates at the moment, Mr Abunimah said. “On the contrary, Hillary Clinton who looks like she’ll be the democratic nominee has defaulted to the usual Israel support,” he said of the US’s Democratic frontrunner.

Abunimah, for those unaware, Abunimah is an Ivy League educated American ‘activist’ who rejects the right of the Jewish state to exist within any borders, defended Hamas’s summary execution of ‘collaborators’, advances bizarre anti-Israel conspiracy theories, has expressed support for a new violent intifada, suggested that Zionism is similar to Nazism and once even evoked the antisemitic charge that Israel harvests organs of Palestinian children.

Defending Hamas’s extra-judicial killing of Palestinians accused of collaboration with Israel:

Making a Zionism – Nazism comparison:


Evoking the antisemitic Israeli organ harvesting charge:


Tweets conspiracy theory about the terrorist attack by Hezbollah in Bulgaria which killed 5 Israelis. 

It should be clear to Indy editors that Abunimah is a pro-terror extremist – who’s not above trading in antisemitic tropes – and certainly has no moral standing whatsoever on the issues of racism and intolerance. 

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