UKMW prompts corrections at Guardian, Daily Mail and Indy

Here are recent corrections prompted by UKMW to articles at the Guardian, Daily Mail and Independent.

Here are recent corrections prompted by UKMW to articles at the Guardian, Daily Mail and Independent.


An op-ed published in the Guardian on Feb. 22nd included this passage:

It is against this backdrop that Netanyahu has become the first serving Israeli prime minister to visit Australia (his visit to New Zealand was cancelledfollowing Wellington’s co-sponsorship of the December’s UN resolution).

We complained to Guardian editors as we could find no evidence that Netanyahu was ever scheduled to visit New Zealand. We checked with the Prime Minister’s office and an official confirmed that New Zealand was NOT on the itinerary. On March 1st, Guardian editors replied to our complaint and agreed to remove the false claim in the op-ed.  

They also added the following addendum:


A March 9th article at the Independent, on reports of an upcoming royal visit to Israel, contained a farcically misleading and obfuscatory history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and included the following sentence:

As we pointed out to Indy editors, the Palestinians fled following a war of annihilation launched by Arab states on the day of Israel’s birth. The original sentence makes no mention of the war, providing readers with no context whatsoever by which to understand the claim that “700,000 people fled or were expelled from their homes.”

Editors agreed and, on March 15th, added text to the sentence, which now reads:

After the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 and the Arab-Israeli war which followed, an estimated 700,000 people fled or were expelled from their homes.

Daily Mail

On March 16th, we emailed Daily Mail editors in response to an extremely misleading headline:

As we noted in our communication with Daily Mail editors, the headline they chose to accompany an AP story made it seem as if it was an established fact that Israel was an apartheid state, rather than an intellectually unserious smear by anti-Zionist extremist Richard Falk.  They agreed, and added the word “report” to the headline later that same day.

Tellingly, the report was so widely crticised that it was later withdrawn by the UN and the head of the agency responsible for its publication was forced to resign.

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