Financial Times corrects erroneous reference to marching “settlers”

As we noted on these pages last week, we complained to Financial Times editors asking that they correct a blatantly false claim in an article by their Jerusalem correspondent Mehul Srivastava (“Israeli PM Naftali Bennett orders fresh air strikes in Gaza Strip”, June 16).

Here’s the paragraph in question:

As we noted to editors, it’s of course impossible to know where the thousands of Israelis who participated in the march reside, and the chance that all of the marchers live in settlements is practically zero.  Moreover, the word “settler”, in this context, seems less a precise descriptive than a general, all-purpose pejorative – a synonym for ‘bad’ Israelis.

After several follow ups, they finally corrected the paragraph, which now reads as follows:

Though the revised paragraph represents a substantive improvement over the original, the new language, informing readers that among the marchers were “many Jewish settlers”, is still gratuitous and ultimately meaningless in the context of the story.

Financial Times also printed the following correction:

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    It’s just the same old story – Print harmful lies and insinuations and then (if complained about) print a Correction later that nobody reads. But it’s the first print that gives away the prevalent anti-Semitism.

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