BBC Sport’s minimalist portrayal of Wiley’s antisemitism

On January 25th the Jewish Chronicle published a report about the apologies put out by two British footballers after they were photographed in Dubai with a British rapper known for his antisemitic posts on social media.

The BBC Sport website covered the same story on the same day in a report headlined “Marcus Rashford & Jesse Lingard: Manchester United duo condemn anti-Semitism after rapper photo”.

The short report opens: [emphasis added]

“Marcus Rashford says he does not condone discrimination “of any kind” after being criticised for posing for a photo with controversial rapper Wiley.

Rashford and Manchester United team-mate Jesse Lingard were pictured with the grime artist this week in Dubai.

Wiley, banned from Twitter last year for anti-Semitism, shared the photo, now deleted, on his Instagram account. […]

Wiley was dropped by his management company after his outburst two years ago and has had a number of his social media accounts closed down.”

Wiley was first banned in 2020 by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and later YouTube following an antisemitic tirade (see page 33 here).

He was indeed “dropped by his management company” in July 2020 but contrary to the BBC’s ‘minimalist’ portrayal, his record of antisemitic social media posts and statements was not confined to an “outburst two years ago”. Just last month, after he posted antisemitic material on new accounts, he was again kicked off Instagram and Twitter.

The day after BBC Sport published this report, Wiley was once again suspended from Twitter following a series of offensive Tweets on another new account.

The BBC’s failure to report clearly and adequately on Wiley’s unambiguous and ongoing antisemitism deprives readers of essential context and reduces their ability to understand not only why the photograph taken in Dubai raised objection but also the significance of the apologies from Rashford and Lingard.

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  1. says: Grimey

    We should not forget the bare-faced antisemitic outgoings of a certain Mr Mohamed Salah (playing for Liverpool FC), who informed the manager that, if the club signed any Israeli footaller, he would leave the club, When playing for Egypt, he also refused to shake the hand of an Israeli footballer – who turned out to be an Arab.

  2. says: Neil C

    It’s all about their brainwashed upbringing, they are taught from birth that Jews are to be hated and killed whenever possible, but they are too dumb to realize they have been brainwashed, Salah being just such a brainwashed racist.

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