A post by CAMERA Arabic

Following a series of communications with CAMERA Arabic, three media outlets – including BBC Arabic – have corrected false references misidentifying Jewish communities inside Israel’s internationally recognised territory as “settlements.” Applying this inaccurate terminology to Jewish communities inside the pre-1967 Green Line reflects rejection of Jewish sovereignty within any borders as a form of illegitimate “settler colonialism.” 

On August 5th Deutsche Welle Arabic wrote: “It has been four days since the Israeli military announced it is mobilising forces to the ‘Gaza front’ and raised the level of alert all across the border and near the adjacent settlements as a precaution against attack that the [Islamic] Jihad movement may carry out.”

On August 9th Deutsche Welle corrected, replacing “settlements” with “areas.” On the other hand, the publicly-funded German media outlet failed to correct a second erroneous reference to “settlements” which had appeared the same day.

I24 News corrected an August 4th reference to “Israeli settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip” on August 18th, changing the erroneous characterisation to “towns.”

On September 2nd BBC Arabic corrected three separate references. The most recent report, from August 3rd, had erroneously reported that: “Israel announced a situation of high alert and took several measures on its southern border with the Strip, including road closures in what is known as the Gaza envelope settlements.” Editors deleted the inaccurate reference to the “Gaza envelope settlements.”

Previously, on July 19th, BBC Arabic had referred to “Firing a bombshell on an Israeli settlement … the settlement of Netiv Ha’asara.” The corrected copy now refers to a town, as opposed to settlement.

Before that, on July 16th, BBC Arabic wrongly referred to the “settlement of Nahshon.” The amended text correctly identifies Nahshon as a kibbutz. 

BBC Arabic has yet to address two pending complaints submitted by CAMERA Arabic on the exact same error dating back to April and July of 2022.

Counterfactual rhetoric has no place in any Western media outlet claiming impartiality. The fact that the report happens to be in Arabic does not exempt the media outlet from the basic principles of journalism requiring factual reporting.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Avinoam+Ben+Dor

    All of the State of Israel from the Jordan River to the Med Sea is the historical indigenous ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.

    The solution for the Arabs living in Judeah and Samaria is either a confederation with Jordan or autonomy.

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