Nazi Analogies

Go back to Auschwitz

Remember how we saw footage of the Israeli navy warning to the “peace activists” by radi...

Jew Heil

Here are a selection of comments from the Guardian’s live thread today, affectionately known a...

Why was this deleted?

This is a guest post from Margie in Tel Aviv Dr John Zoidberg isn’t the most grammatical or po...

Its Just Anti-Zionism

Antony Lerman wrote in “Comment is Free” today “[a]n extremely counterproductive d...

Comment Macht Frei

I spend a good deal of time analyzing the comment threads on ‘Comment is Free’ with the ...

The Pin-Up Girl

This is a guest post by Israelinurse Did the champagne corks pop at The Guardian over the weekend wi...

Lerman: No Jews, no big deal

Antony Lerman has an article on CiF criticising the use of the phrase ”the silent Holocaust” to ...