Theodor Herzl
January 17, 2018
Guardian’s Ian Black covers for Mahmoud Abbas’s assault on historical truth.
January 15, 2018
BBC censors parts of Mahmoud Abbas speech once again
January 15, 2018
UK media airbrush Abbas’s anti-Jewish remarks from report on PLO conference.
August 17, 2017
What does the BBC tell audiences about the first Zionist Congress?
May 21, 2014
UK media silent about Pope's meeting with Mufti who claimed that Muslims' destiny is to kill Jews
April 9, 2013
The ‘utilitarian’ Zionism of the Guardian’s Giles Fraser
November 2, 2012
CiF Watch photo of the day: Herzl and Mohamed
July 5, 2011
Theodor Herzl’s “Guide to Zionist Social Media Strategies for the Perplexed”
May 10, 2011