United Nations
July 25, 2014
Guardian incites the crowd: Israel quickly blamed for Gaza school attack
July 24, 2014
Guardian brings back Jihad Misharawi photo to illustrate 'Israeli attacks'
March 23, 2014
How the 30,000 remaining Palestinian refugees from ’48 morph into 5 million
November 24, 2013
Harriet Sherwood misleads on UNRWA statement about Gaza construction ban
September 30, 2013
The Guardian tries out a new narrative: Islamist “dove” vs the Zionist “hawk”.
September 29, 2013
Buried by the Guardian: The extremism of Hassan Rouhani
July 26, 2013
UNRWA Summer Camp: Planting the seeds of perpetual war against the Jews
July 11, 2013
Hunger Games: A Palestinian terrorist who tried to kill ‘as many Israelis as possible’
March 19, 2013