Why were these deleted?

The McGreal thread earlier today provided a veritable source of comments that were deleted for nothing other than espousing the pro-Israel viewpoint.

The first victim was GarryG whose post met the same fate as many a commenter that dare tell the truth about Islamist inspired terrorism:


And lest there be any doubt in what GarryG had to say, here are a couple of video clips to demonstrate that GarryG was not making this up:

Then we have this perplexing deletion of a post by pro-Israel poster, smtx01.


Are we to understand that pointing out the double standards at play are not part of the permitted discourse in “Comment is Free”?
And in case you were thinking that smtx01’s comment was deleted for being off-topic, snot’s counter-reply remains standing.
But wait it gets better. When smtx01 and properbostonian try to respond to snot’s undeleted counter-reply, both comments are deleted without trace. Thankfully, we captured them before their deletion by the Guardian anti-Israel thought police:

And whatever you do, never ever ever call the Guardian’s protected an antisemite for making an antisemitic comment in CiF (which remains undeleted).


And when sasaplau has a go, he or she meets the same fate as TomWonacott.



I mean what can be more frustrating than having a poster post an antisemitic comment and to have your comment pointing this out deleted, while leaving up the antisemitic comment.
Once again, another memorable moment for Georgina Henry, executive comment editor of the cesspit.

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