Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK spokesman: “Zionists are most vile animals to walk the earth”

Given the mission statement of Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, the recent Tweet by their spokesman, Raza Nadim, should come as no surprise. 

The “About Us” section of MPACUK says:


MPACUK oppose the racist political ideology of Zionism and aim to counter the influence of the Zionist lobby. Openly available evidence demonstrates a Zionist agenda to dominate the Middle East and push a ‘clash of civilisations’ between Islam and ‘The West’. We therefore believe that anti-Zionism is a strategic priority to counter the greatest and most urgent threat facing the Ummah.

However, no matter how routine the virulent anti-Zionist rhetoric emanating from the UK has become, Nadim’s quote is still simply chilling.

Here are two of his Tweets in response to a series of CiF Watch Tweets asking him if he condemned Thursday’s brutal Palestinian terrorist attacks near Eilat which killed 7 Israelis (including two small children) and injured dozens more.

Here’s one:


This is beyond mere hate. It’s incitement in its most pure form.

When you’re the most vile animal to walk the earth, your murder isn’t merely acceptable.

It’s desirable.

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