h/t Joe
An article in the latest issue of Private Eye critical of the Palestinian Authority also manages to take a brief, and entirely dishonest, swipe at Israel.
The writer’s claim that the new US peace plan grants Palestinians “half the land” they had “before the 1967 occupation” is a lie, due to the simple fact that, prior to the 1967 war, Jordan controlled the West Bank and Egypt controlled Gaza. (Before that, of course, the land was controlled by the British – and before that, the Ottomans.)
Much like the maps recently being paraded by Palestinian leaders purporting to show how much of “Palestine” their leaders have been willing to compromise, Private Eye has peddled a historical fiction, obfuscating the simple fact that there has never been – at any time in history – a sovereign Palestinian state.
Indeed, PA self-rule in areas A (military and administrative) and B (administrative) in the West Bank granted by Israel since the 90s, has been the only time Palestinians have ever enjoyed real political autonomy. Further, the US plan would actually greatly increase the amount of land they control, not decrease it.
We’ve complained to editors about this gross distortion.