Daily Mail retracts false claim that Oslo called for a Palestinian state

An July 7th article at the Daily Mail on anti-annexation protests outside the home of Jared Kushner included, at the end of the piece, a ‘backgrounder’ on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which included the following claim:

In fact, Oslo never envisaged or in any way promised Palestinians a state.

This fact was made clear by Martin Indyk, former U.S. ambassador to Israel, in a piece for the Atlantic marking the 25th anniversary of the agreements. The Oslo Accords, he wrote, “did not provide for a Palestinian state.” He also re-emphasized that the two-state solution is “a concept that is nowhere mentioned in the Oslo Accords.”

The New York Times, responding to a complaint from CAMERA in April, corrected an article which similarly claimed that the Oslo Accords committed both sides to a two state solution.

More recently, Financial Times – following a complaint by CAMERA UK – made a similar correction.

We contacted Daily Mail editors, who upheld our complaint and not only removed the sentence highlighted, but, for some reason, the entire 1500 word backgrounder.  No explanation was provided for why they decided to remove the entire section – most of which was historically accurate.

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  1. says: jeff21st

    Wow! A whole new look around here. Impressive.
    As for the British press, as we all know, you still have your hands full.

  2. says: Seymour Levin

    The Jerusalem post has published, over the past few weeks statements by president Abbas, offering to resume face-to-face negotiations with Israel, under somewhat different conditions than prior negotiations. I have not seen an Israeli response to this. Has CAMERA been aware of some feedback from Israel?

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