BBC website corrects inaccurate caption concerning Ethiopia-born MK

Last month we pointed out that the caption to the main image illustrating a report about Israel’s new Minister of Aliya and Integration inaccurately informed audiences that “Pnina Tamano-Shata, a former journalist, was the first Israeli MP born in Ethiopia”.

“To date eight MKs born in Ethiopia have served in the Knesset. Prior to Ms Tamano-Shata becoming an MK in 2013, four other Ethiopia-born MKs served in the Knesset: Adisu Massala (1996), Shlomo Molla (2008), Rabbi Mazor Bahaina (2008) and Alali Adamso (2012).”

CAMERA UK submitted a complaint concerning that inaccuracy and on June 8th we received the following reply.

“Thank you for getting in touch about our article Israel gets first Ethiopia-born minister, in Pnina Tamano-Shata and please accept our apologies for the delay in our response.

We’ve since amended the caption to make clear that Pnina Tamano-Shat [sic] “was the first female Israeli MP born in Ethiopia”.

Thank you for making us aware of this error.”




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