5 Pillars corrects incendiary claims about efforts to ‘destroy’ Al-Aqsa

Earlier in the week, we posted about a patently false claim at the British Muslim site 5 Pillars, which fancies itself a serious news outlet despite their track record of peddling anti-Israel conspiracy theories and defending hate preachers.

The article in question, on Tzipi Hoteveley, Israel’s new ambassador to London, (“Israel’s new far-right ambassador to UK arrives in London”, Oct. 7), included the following:

The new ambassador, who describes herself as a “religious right-winger,” has…promoted the movement to destroy Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

As we noted in our post, Palestinian political and religious leaders have been falsely accusing Israel (including the pre-state Jewish community) of plotting to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque for over 100 years, a highly incendiary accusation that’s nothing short of an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

In our complaint to editors, we pointed out that the writer didn’t provide a source for the claim that Hoteveley “promoted the movement to destroy Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque“, and that our own research failed to turn up anything she’s ever said that could in any way be interpreted as supporting the mosque’s destruction.

We also informed editors that a 5 Pillars article published four months ago included the same exact false claim about the Israeli ambassador.

Earlier today, editors replied to our email, upheld our complaint and deleted the sentence in both articles.

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  1. says: Neil C

    Now that relations are warming with some Arab nations these publishers such as 5 Pillars are probably only too pleased such sites as CAMERA-UK are helping them to clean up the blatant lies, they have already published. Perhaps they fear being ostracised when the rest of the Arab nations turn their backs on the Palestinian cause

  2. Hypocrisy seems too weak a descriptor for the anti-Jewish slurs and conspiracy concerning al-aqsa. Why? Because part and parcel of the islamic colonial conquest of the past 1500 years and the favorite construction activity has always been the demolition or any and all structures and artifacts associated with the kuffirs and often replaced with mosques – to signal “we won!”
    Shall we mention al-aqsa or the dome of the rock?

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