Our 10 most popular posts in 2021

Here are our ten most popular posts in 2021:

1.  BBC 4’s ‘Paris Police 1900’ Synopsis on ‘spy Dreyfus’ amended after criticism

2.  ‘For no logical reason’, Sky News denies Palestinian violence

3.  The Guardian to Israel: We wish you were never born.

Text from article on the Guardian’s worst mistakes in the last 200 years

4.  The Guardian takes COVID-related smears of Israel to the next level

5.  The luxury beliefs of Western anti-Zionists 

6.  BBC Monitoring’s Tala Halawa whitewashes antisemitic chant 

Graphic via a tweet by Yosef Haddad

7.  BBC’s false equivalence tactic migrates to London reporting

8.  New BBC documentary on UK antisemitism doesn’t cut the mustard 

9.  Five questions for Mohammed el-Kurd the UK media won’t ask 

10. Review: ‘Jews Don’t Count’, by David Baddiel

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    The Grauniad rag is obviously envious of the BBC’s new official establishment as the 3rd most antisemitic broadcaster on the planet – and so is fighting to be recognised as No. 4 antisemitic medium – ahead of CNN and The Observer.

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